The CPTMP designation is an advanced credential recognizing a demonstrated specialized competence in Child Abuse Pediatrics.

The CPTMP credential is approved by the Florida Department of Health (DOH) to meet s. 39.303(3), Florida Statutes, which requires each DOH District Medical Director to obtain a sub-specialist certification in child abuse from the American Board of Pediatrics or meet the minimum requirements established by a third-party credentialing entity, recognizing a demonstrated specialized competence in Child Abuse Pediatrics.

The CPTMP applicants must be employed in a DOH eligible Child Protection Team position at the time of application. Please review the CPTMP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for important information from the Child Protection Team’s Statewide Medical Director, Carol M Lilly, MD, MPH

Certification Application Process

Step 1:  Create an online account in the FCB certification system.

After you have created your account, STOP online activity & DO NOT TRY TO CREATE AN ONLINE APPLICATION. DOH is paying fees to FCB on behalf of eligible applicants. To control for applicant eligibility and invoicing activities, the CPTMP application is manual. See Step 2 for details on the application process.  

Step 2:  Apply for CPTMP Certification.

Complete Section 1 of the CPTMP Application and submit it to DOH per directions; DOH will complete Section 2 and submit the application to FCB on your behalf.

Step 3: Monitor your email (as entered in your profile — we STRONGLY recommend you use your primary personal email address and NOT your work email) for the examination registration and approval email from the FCB.  This will include information on accessing the FCB’s online test site selection and registration protocols.

  • You will not be able to register for the test until you receive the email from the FCB.
  • You will be required to pay the $30 proctoring fee to the test site you select.  The FCB will reimburse this fee within 30 days of receipt of a complete CPTMP Proctor Fee Refund Request.