Thank you for your interest in becoming an approved provider of continuing education for the Florida Certification Board (FCB). FCB approved provider status assures that the education and training activities offered by an approved provider have undergone a detailed review process. This assures that only qualified educational providers are approved to offer continuing education credits that reflect professional adult education standards, and current, relevant, and accurate course content.
The FCB manages a certified population of over 20,000 professionals in the substance use, mental health, prevention, physical health, and child welfare fields. These professionals are required to participate in annual continuing education or other educational events. In order to renew their certification(s), professionals are required to submit verification that they have completed the specified number of continuing education credits (CEs) required to maintain certification (each certification level requires a specified number of CEs, annually).
FCB approved providers are charged with the responsibility of conducting educational events that reflect current needs in the field and are in keeping with FCB published policies and procedures.
The FCB Approved Education and Training Provider program is for training organizations or individuals who wish to provide on-going education and training events for FCB certification applicants and certified professionals. Please see the following documents to apply:
- Education Provider Instructions
- FCB Education Provider Standards
- FCB Education Provider Application (Form)
The FCB Approved Single-Source Education and Training Provider program is for organizations or individuals who offer a full training program that meets the complete training requirement for any of the credentials that the FCB offers. Please see the following application: