Passing the exam is the last requirement for certification. Certification exam questions are written for an individual who has met the minimum education, training, work experience, and supervision requirements established for the credential; therefore, no one will be allowed to register for an exam until their Certification Specialist has approved their application and all supporting documents. Upon approval of an application, the Certification Specialist will email the candidate with instructions on registering and paying for the exam.

Please carefully review the Candidate Guide:  Examination for specific policies. 

How to Register

To register for an exam, you MUST have a current exam approval email containing your unique Exam Access Code and have paid all associated exam fees. Exam approval emails are sent to candidates who have applied for certification, paid their fees, and received approval from the FCB to schedule an exam.

Exam Access Codes are approved for a limited time ONLY. Previously registered Exam Access Codes are no longer valid.

You can only register for the exam in your exam approval email. If you think that you have been approved for the wrong exam, contact the FCB Testing Manager BEFORE registering. When approved to take your exam, you will choose the time and location from our list of selected vendors.

If you need to reschedule an exam, please email FCB at

If you need to retake an exam, contact the FCB and speak with your assigned Certification Specialists for help.

Applicants seeking Americans with Disabilities (ADA) accommodations must complete and submit the FCB Special Accommodations Request Form at least 30 days before the requested test date. 

Please note: ADA Requests and supporting documentation must be completed by a qualified professional and include the requested accommodation.

Scholarship Programs Available

The scholarship program, granted through the Florida Department of Children and Families, Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, is open from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. These scholarships can be used for applications, exams, upgrades, renewals, and reinstatements.

Please ensure you read the Instructions for Completing the Scholarship Application Form before starting the application process.

Scholarship Applications:

Please note the scholarship application is not the same as applying for the credential. If your scholarship is approved, you must apply for the credential online through your FCB account. Please review the CAP or CRPS credentials or contact the FCB office for more information.

How to Prepare

The FCB offers Study Guides for several exams, which are available for purchase on the Products page. We have also developed a Training and Test Self-Assessment and Preparation Guide for each credential. This document provides test-taking strategies, the exam blueprint (number of test items for each competency), and a guide for structured note-taking. 

You can locate this guide on the page for your credential.

In addition, before arriving at your scheduled exam testing center, please review “How to Answer Multiple Questions Correctly” for the testing software you will be taking your exam on.

Taking your Exam

All FCB exams are administered at proctored test sites across Florida, and other states served by the FCB. Exams are computer-based, and exam takers will receive their unofficial score immediately upon completion of the exam.

Official scores are issued every Tuesday of each week. The Official Score Report will be issued to your assigned Certification Specialist for processing within 24 to 48 hours. All certificates are printed once a month.

Click the button below to view the passing scores for each exam.

Choose your state to view available exam locations.